Allen cleans up Philadelphia

As we leave Delaware and head towards America’s first capital, Philadelphia, I feel a sense of nostalgia. This city is close to my heart; it’s the closest major city to our home, where my family lives throughout of the year. The skyline of Philadelphia has changed over the years with the erection of new, taller skyscrapers. But for me personally, I’ll always remember the way Philadelphia skyline looked when I was a kid in the 90s.

On my nighttime journey, I carry with me a briefcase, and inside this briefcase, I keep special little knick-knacks and reminders of some of my most cherished children. I reach in and pull out this piece of paper that I put in there earlier that day. This letter is from a young boy named Allen, and it means more to me than any letter I’ve received in this past year. As I read his words, I could feel the sincerity and determination that he was trying to articulate. Allen is such a treasure; he doesn’t know how much of an impact he’s going to make with his life.

There are pivotal moments in life where your decisions can change everything... forever—sometimes for the good, sometimes for the bad, and sometimes they can make the lives of everyone around you better.

Allen, a 14-year-old boy, has grown up in a rough neighborhood in the inner city of Philadelphia. It's a part of the city plagued by addiction and homelessness. Every day, Allen walks to school passing by homeless tents, streets littered with trash, and people who have lost their grip on reality. This environment feels like a constant threat, and he often wonders,” How can I survive, if this is all I has to look forward to?”

I can tell almost immediately that Allen has a heart bigger than his chest. Allen writes to me, ‘Santa, I don’t know who to talk to, so I’m writing to you. I honestly don’t know if you even exist, but I believe there is magic in this world. If you are reading this, I want you to know that I see the world. It’s right in front of my eyes. So, I walk to school… back and forth every day. I see a lot of bad things around me, things that terrify me. I vow not to let my situation, my environment become my reality. I want to stay on the right path. I want to make my neighborhood better.

One day, walking to school, Allen saw trash on the ground. The next day, the same trash was there, and the next. So, on Friday, the last day of the week, he asked his teacher for a trash bag and a couple of gloves so he could pick up trash on his walk home. He filled up the bag within two blocks. He felt so good after cleaning up the alley that he did it again… even on Saturday.

The next week, every day after school, Allen filled up a bag with trash to help clean up his neighborhood. A week later, word got around the school that he was helping clean up the streets, and a few more kids wanted to chip in. Depending on the day, they now had 3 or maybe 4 kids helping do the job. Allen’s neighborhood was in a lot better shape. He noticed a few street corners that looked brand new and people wanting the streets to stay clean. He saw a few homes with a fresh coat of paint, and he knew it was really making a difference.

Now, I know this won't stop people from doing drugs or worse, but it's a start. Here's my favorite part of his letter, "It's a start to make my corner of the world a better place. I think even the smallest kids can be heroes."

This letter from Allen was so inspiring. I showed Mrs. Claus and we posted it on the forum for all of the elves to see. Allen has started a movement in his neighborhood, and Philadelphia is a little bit better for it. I know Allen isn't the only kid that sees the world and wants to make a difference. I know every child can inspire.

Soon, Allen will take on... even larger roles because he opens his eyes and follows his heart. It's sad that some people are so unaware of their surroundings. Thank you, Allen, for being incredible.


As we near our next stop, the reindeer glide down smoothly onto the roof of row homes. These row home roofs have access to 18 different homes and families, each with a chimney in the middle of the home. Right in the middle lies Allen’s home, the place I’ve been looking forward to visiting. I carefully tuck Allen’s letter back into my briefcase.

Then, I grab my sack of magic, already knowing exactly what I’ve brought for this remarkable young man. Allen, now a teenager and making a difference in his world, deserves something special. Inside the sack is a brand-new tool bag, complete with hammers, screwdrivers, pliers, a tape measure, and his very first battery-operated drill—all the tools that a teenager needs to build and repair, to shape his world for the better.

I glide effortlessly down the chimney and find myself in Allen’s inviting home. The small, decorated tree glows softly, casting a warm light into the room. I place the wrapped gifts gently under the tree, making sure a personalized note is visible. It reads: ‘Allen, I got your letter. You keep being amazing and making your corner of the world a better place. One day, you will be given a larger corner to look after.

With everything in place, I take a moment to look around. The warmth and love in this home are undeniable, despite the challenges that lie just beyond its doors. Allen’s determination and heart have left a mark on me, reminding me that even in the face of adversity, hope can grow in unlikely places.

He may not fully realize it yet, but he’s planting seeds that will one day grow into something much bigger—a movement, a legacy, or just a brighter future for his community.

Wiggling my toes, I ascend effortlessly up the chimney. As I step back onto the rooftop, Cupid is waiting patiently, his breath visible in the cold night air. I give him a gentle pat and smile. "Allen is such a great boy," I say with admiration.

Cupid snorts softly in agreement, and with a gentle tug on the reins, we lift off into the night sky. The city of Philadelphia sparkling below us. For me, it’s a blend of old memories and new beginnings.

"Here we go Cupid, we’re off to next door.”


Elf’s Magical Repair Shop -Fuzzy


Shannon rides into the Future