When Joey’s Belief Mattered

There’s one boy who’s held a special place in my heart the last couple years. Visiting Joey's home has always brought a smile to my face. When I come across a kid with that kind of joy, that kind of determination. Its worth breaking a few rules.


We were in the middle of a few southern states. This family lives in Georgia, in the corner right near the Tennessee and Alabama. The reindeer recognize the house , so they make a wide U turn to come in for a smooth landing. They remember the house well as the we've been coming here, ever since Joey's older brothers were in diapers.


Joey's brothers were George and Jimmy. When Joey was born, George and Jimmy were already 8 and 10 years old. They were good kids and they've received presents every year.


Little Joseph Benjamin is now 6 years old and I couldn't wait to leave him Puzzles, a toy space ship, and a large Art Set.

To my surprise... I had to double check the list... George and Jimmy were not on the list this year.


You know, it happens every year. Every single year our lists lose more teenagers. For some reason, teenagers stop believing in Christmas, they stop believing in Magic and then theyre no longer on my list.

I can’t do anything about that. I do my best to keep Christmas Spirit alive, But it’s the individual’s, its their own Christmas Spirit, that matters. If you don’t believe , well it’s out of my hands.


Now this kid Joey, he had the biggest heart of his entire family. I could tell, I’ve watched his highlights. He treats animals with love. He shares with his brothers and friends. He cares when someone is hurting. He listens to his parents. I even saw one time, where he shared his lunch with a friend from kindergarten.

Stamp of approval, NICE List.


I jumped off the sleigh and joyfully shoot down the flue. I land just in front of the fireplace and I immediately hear the dog coming my way. It's ok, I have a magical connection with dogs, you know. I know exactly what they want.

This dog even remembers me, I remember him too. Nowadays, Vincent is an old grey dog, whose hair used to be black. The family got Vincent when Jimmy was still a baby, so that would make him 13 or 14 years old, I thought. I reach into my biscuit pocket, he takes the treat and leaves me be.

You've heard the saying, he knows when you are sleeping, he knows when you’re awake. Well, immediately, I knew that Joey was awake, and close by.


“Joey, you’re not supposed to be awake... if you want me to leave your gifts,” I was trying to sound disappointed.

The boy quietly replied, "I know." At this point, I could tell he was hiding in the closet not far from the tree.

“What are you doing in there?”

“ My brothers told me that Santa wasn’t real. That all the stories are made up, so I needed to see for myself”

"Come on out of there," i told him


He climbed out of the small closet. With the glow of Christmas tree lights on his face, I could see his eyes were full of wonder, with still a hint of doubt. 

“Let me tell you, just because your brothers don't believe... does not mean that you need stop believing. Do not let their opinion on the matter... ruin Your Magic. What matters is what you believe. You’re the reason I’m here today, It's all because you believed.” "If you didn't believe this year, My reindeer and I would've flown right over your home without stopping."


I could see the confusion in his eyes, so I continued, “Joey, When kids get older, sometimes they forget about the magic they once believed in. I lose teenagers every year. Teenagers have so many thoughts going through their head that they tend to forget who they want to be. It’s just that life gets busy, they're trying to find their place in this world, and they may lose sight of what’s important. “


George and Jimmy might have lost their way this year, but deep down, they can remember what it's like to believe in Christmas. For now, you keep believing. Your heart is what brings this magic to life.”


But you know... because they tried to stop you from believing. Thats a red flag, they get no gifts from me this year, just coal in their stockings.”

Joey nodded, his face brightened up. “I’ll never stop believing in you, Santa. Even when I’m a teenager.”


I smiled, patting his head. “I know you won’t, Joey. You’ve got the heart of a leader, lets get you to bed.”

As he quietly returned to his room, I tucked his presents under the tree. With a cookie in hand and Vincent watching me from the corner of the living room, I headed back up the chimney.


I pause for a moment and i sit back down in my sleigh. "Ill see you again next year Joey." I whisper to myself.

"Ok Vixen, We’re off to next door."


And with that, we soared off into the night, leaving behind a little more magic in Georgia Let’s see who else… still believes.



The Gift of Family


A Christmas Giggle in Buffalo